January 29, 2005

Pecking order pursued beyond the mass graves

The Jewish Chronicle, this week, has a lot on the holocaust as one might expect. Apparently there was a row between "Cardiff Jews" and the Cardiff United Nations Association. The UNA was going to hold an event titled "Commemoration of Armenian Holocaust (90th anniversary) and the Jewish Holocaust (60th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation)". Well that was too much for Rabbi Mordechai Wollenberg of the Cardiff United Synagogue who got them to reverse the title "placing the Shoah first". Now I object to the use of the word "holocaust" to describe other genocidal campaigns and I've said why that is in previous posts. I also object to the expression "Jewish holocaust" since it was not only Jews who perished in, what, I agree, should be called theholocaust.

General Assembly hears Israeli anthem for the first time

Much is made of Hatikvah being sung at the UN General Assembly in honour of the victims of the holocaust. Very strange considering that most holocaust victims would never have heard that song, nor understood its words if they did.

Wistrich off balance

Another article has Robert Wistrich complaining that "it is becoming increasingly difficult to even discuss the Shoah without balancing it by appropriate references to Palestine".

Lord Steel angers Liverpool Zionists

Lord Steel invoked the holocaust to call for sanctions against Israel because the Palestinians "find themselves hemmed in by barbed wire and their very existence threatened".

Sharansky likens Palestinian society to Nazi Germany

Sharansky has said that "the PA should pursue a policy of zero-tolerance of any and all displays of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Palestinian media". Now if there is anti-semitism in the Palestinian media then this is to be deplored, but if Sharansky can't tell the difference between anti-semitism and anti-zionism how can he expect better from people his government clearly believes are a lower form of life?

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