April 12, 2013

Tribunal's FUCU cheers JC reader

The Jewish Chronicle letters page had a couple of interesting responses to the Employment Tribunal's FUCU judgment.  This is my fave which also happens to be the shortest, JC letters not being available on line:
Three cheers for Judge Snelson for the severe criticism of the people who brought the case to industrial tribunal.  I for one have very little time for the so-called leaders of British Jewry who make an industry out of antisemitism in order to puff themselves up.
The "upper echelons of British Jewry leadership" have manufactured their own world of self-righteous mutual back-scratching, totally divorced from the everyday lives of ordinary Jews.
Michael Grayeff
Ilmington Road, HA3
The other one I might have liked were it not from a zionist noted that the judgment was a "total obliteration of Fraser's case" and wondered if it was the end of the line for Jeremy Newmark's Jewish Leadership Council.

One, from a zionist in the Julius/Fraser mold, praised David Hirsh for providing "a commendably focused summary of the UCU trial," before getting to the best bit:
Sad to say, Hirsh's description evokes the disconcerting whiff of a Nazi courtroom 
Now I can't disagree there. I think it is indeed very sad that in distorting the judgment, Hirsh has indeed evoked the "whiff of a Nazi courtroom".   But it is sad in the traditional meaning of the word that anyone might believe Hirsh's ludicrous depiction of the Employment Tribunal judgment.

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